Friday, July 27, 2012

MSP ERROR - Internal PatchWiz Error 1627.

I was building a patch based on Patch Creation Properties (pcp) method. In my build procedure, MsiMsp.exe v4.0 (part of Windows SDK 6.0) was used to compile .pcp file. I faced error 1627 and here is it from build log:
ERROR: Failed to execute a view
ERROR: The Last Error Received is: 1627
Then I tried MsiMsp.exe v 5.0 (part of Windows SDK 7.0) and this time error description got little change:
ERROR: Internal PatchWiz Error occurred. (Media, Duplicate DiskID likely)
ERROR: The Last Error Received is: 0x65b (1627)
Well, I was bit confused what's going on, because I was following Msdn tutorial for creating pcp files, and was not expecting any problems with it.
Thanks to
Huck, Jacob's reply on Wix-Users forum who gave very meaningful hints and I was then able to solve the problem. And problem was in Table:ImageFamilies, Column:MediaDiskId Value:2. This was suggested in MSDN tutorial and some other similar tutorials on net.
This value should be greater than the greatest number of DiskId in Media Table of your msi.
So, by
using Microsoft Orca, I simply opened my MSI's, Media Table and got the largest number from DiskID column, it was 5. And then using Orca, I edited my .pcp file and corrected value from 2 to 6 and that corrected the problem and I got my .msp file in hand.
Happy Patching... Smile

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