Thursday, March 20, 2014

Signing problem with Wix based Bootstrapper.

I faced a problem very similar to defined here,  i.e. Whenever I signed the Bootstrapper, it failed to do the installation with following errors in log:

[1604:24F8][2013-12-04T11:50:00]e000: Error 0x80004005: Failed to extract all files from container.
[1604:2FB4][2013-12-04T11:50:00]e000: Error 0x80004005: Failed to wait for operation complete.
[1604:2FB4][2013-12-04T11:50:00]e000: Error 0x80004005: Failed to open container.
[1604:2FB4][2013-12-04T11:50:00]e000: Error 0x80004005: Failed to open container: WixAttachedContainer.
[1604:2FB4][2013-12-04T11:50:00]e312: Failed to extract payloads from container: WixAttachedContainer to working path: C:\Users\.....\{6ab8eece-89c6-4417-905f-6d9c5136519d}\C7C1FB4E513C19E0F5E8F6856FF2ACC4D7D143A2, error: 0x80004005.
[1604:2574][2013-12-04T11:50:00]e000: Error 0x80004005: Failed while caching, aborting execution.

Using solution defined there, and some guidance from WixToolset insignia page , I'm just summarizing the procedure here:

While building the msi:

  • If you are building separate cab files, then first sign the cab files and do Insignia -im MySetup.msi. Insignia will update your MSI with the digital signature information of its associated external cabs. The file will be updated in-place. Then sign your MSI.
  • If its only one MSI, then simply sign the MSI.

Signing Bootstrapper:

Bootstrapper actually  contains Engine.exe inside and if this is not signed with same certificate, then after you sign your Bootstrapper.exe, it would fail to install and you may have to face problem defined in the beginning of this post, even if your MSI is properly signed.

To solve this, before signing Bootstrapper.exe, using Insignia.exe, do following:

  1. First extract your Engine.exe from your Bootstrapper.exe: insignia -ib Bootstrapper.exe -o Engine.exe
  2. Now sign Engine.exe and put it back to Bootstrapper.exe, and then you can sign the Bootstrapper_Signed.exe.
However if you don't sign this, it would still work. Whenever windows would sense the execution of your Engine.exe, it would show a dialog with signing information.But if you try to execute unsigned Bootstrapper_Signed.exe as Administrator, it would show "Unknown Publisher". That's why it is recommended to sign Bootstrapper_Signed.exe as well.

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