Thursday, July 10, 2014

Wix Bootstrapper: Exit/End during installation.


During CacheAcquireProgress Event:
this.model.BootstrapperApplication.CacheAcquireProgress += (sender, args) =>
//if ever detected InstallState.Cancelled (which can be set from other event like Exit Button Click)
if (this.State == InstallState.Cancelled)
args.Result =
//this would quit installation process.
During ExecuteProgress Event:
this.model.BootstrapperApplication.ExecuteProgress += (sender, args) =>
//if ever detected InstallState.Cancelled (which can be set from other event like Exit Button Click)
if (this.State == InstallState.Cancelled)
args.Result =
Result.Cancel; //this would quit installation process.


So if InstallState.Cancelled is ever setup, it would set args.Result=Result.Cancel and so it would quit installation.

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